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Flower Power

Writer: Krystal L. BeersKrystal L. Beers

Water is vital to all life on earth. Humans and animals are 85 – 92% water. The body’s electrical system patterns begin to form at the moment of conception. Electrical circuits operate every major organ system and water is required for them to function properly.

Flowers are electrical also. In fact, they carry patterns in their electrical system that helps balance those of humans and animals! Enter flower essences, one of the therapies Animal Naturopaths utilize. But what are they?

Flower essences, also known as flower remedies, are drops made from flower petals whose vibrational energy, or essence, is transferred to water through a special process. This electrically charged water is then preserved with brandy, distilled white vinegar, vegetable glycerine (from coconuts), or Red Shiso. There is no odor or fragrance at all. They are administered mostly orally but can also be used topically


Although indigenous peoples have known about flower remedies, their principles were rediscovered in the 1920s by English homeopath, Dr. Edward Bach (properly pronounced "batch" but most say "hawk".) Dr. Bach was searching for more plant-based medicines. He found them in his initial series of essences from ten specific flowers, which eventually expanded to 38. Now there are thousands of flower remedies from around the world being used for humans and animals!

On the cutting edge of energetic healing, flower essences work on the vibrational level. They are electrical roadmaps if you will that harmonize, nourish, and energize the body’s innate ability to heal by reestablishing homeostasis, or balance. Flower essences are useful any time the body is thrown out of homeostasis due to life changes, stress, accident, emotional events, surgery, or disease. They do not treat symptoms but help the body to understand how and what it needs to do to heal.

To illustrate, essential oils work on a physical, vibrational level whereas flower essences work on an emotional, electrical level. Healing shifts can occur quickly since flower essences address the electrical system on an energetic, not chemical level. Because of this, they can also address conditions that other therapies cannot.

Flower essences are one of the safest natural products to increase health and well-being with no side effects whatsoever. They are easy to use and have a long shelf life. They can readily be purchased online.

If you are considering using flower essences with your animal for the first time, you may wish to consult a practitioner like Radiant Animal Wellness.



LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This information is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent illness or disease. The information does not replace that of a traditionally licensed veterinarian. Always consult with a licensed veterinarian before undertaking any course of "treatment" for your animal or changing treatments or medications your veterinarian has already prescribed.

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