First of all, let me begin by saying that if you are a kibble-feeding pet caretaker, I've been right where you are! I know first-hand that raw feeding can seem intimidating and overwhelming. So I thought I’d share my story with you… my Why and my “teacher dog.”
The decision to raw feed was well-thought-out and researched, and based on the immediate health needs of our new puppy at the time. Eóin, an English Shepherd had a very poor appetite from the time we brought him home at 12 weeks old. (Yes, that is him in the photo as an adult.) We tried all sorts of tricks to entice him to eat to no avail. Then itchy skin and alternating constipation/loose stool began. Talking to our Veterinarian, dog friends, breeders, and searching the internet for answers led to the ingredients in the kibble as possible culprits.
We switched him to a “holistic” kibble without grains or eggs, which helped only marginally. I had previously looked into a raw diet that involved combining raw meat, bones, fruit and vegetables, and supplements but it seemed so complicated and time-consuming.
A friend told me about the much simpler whole Prey Model-style diet. A lot of research ensued I can tell you! It all made perfect sense and really resonated with me, but we weren't mentally ready to take the leap. However, the massive recalls and deaths in 2007 due to toxins in commercial pet food gave us courage. Eóin was 5 months old at the time.
I later came to learn that Eoin’s increased symptoms directly correlated with the combo puppy shot given the week prior to onset; at which time he also received a rabies vaccine and was micro-chipped. His system was stressed and overloaded with toxins. But that’s for another story!
Immediately there was a huge change in Eóin. He was eager to eat for the very first time since we’d had him. I literally cried when he dove into his first raw meal with enthusiasm and gratitude! The itchy skin disappeared, smaller, less frequent, and normal stool with no odor, healthy weight, and a soft glossy coat followed. We also stopped dosing him (and the cat) with toxic flea products. The fleas left on their own accord in search of the 'friendlier' realms of an unbalanced host.
Future puppies were switched to Prey Model-style raw as soon as we brought them home. And when we started breeding English Shepherds, our puppies were (and still are) weaned onto raw. We haven't regretted our decision for an instant and will never go back!
I hope you too will give raw feeding serious consideration as the first step to your canine companion’s increased health and happiness. If you commit to it, I promise to be there for you every step of the way!
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Note: Before switching your pet to a raw meat and bone diet, especially if your pet is not in good health or is a senior animal, please set up a consultation with me or another qualified natural pet health care consultant.
About the Author: Krystal L. Beers, C.S.A.N. is a board-certified small animal naturopath consulting on animal nutrition and wellness. With years of experience in animal wellness, Krystal is a blogger, writer, and presenter on natural pet care as well as the published author of three books including, Rabbit Care… Naturally, Give Your Dog a Species Appropriate Raw Food Diet, and The Eight Laws of Health in Animal Naturopathy. Krystal’s’ articles have been featured in various publications in both print and online. Krystal is passionate about using and sharing Young Living Essential Oils. Visit her Website: https://twohunnyz.wixsite.com/rawnaturopathy
Copyright © 2020 Radiant Animal Wellness, Krystal L. Beers. All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the Author/Publisher.
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DISCLAIMER: All information contained here on Radiant Animal Wellness is intended for educational purposes only. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prevent or treat any disease, illness or injured condition of the body or pets and the author, publisher, and contributors accept no responsibility for such use. The decision to use, or not use, any information is the sole responsibility of the reader. Anyone or their pets suffering from any disease, illness or injury should consult with their physician or veterinarian. The ONLY essential oils we use and refer to in all of our posts, articles, and books are Young Living Essential Oils. The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Krystal L. Beers and Radiant Animal Wellness do not assume any legal responsibility for misuse of the products discussed.