Everything has a frequency. Dr. Robert O. Becker in his book The Body Electric establishes that the human body has an electrical frequency and that much about a person’s health can be determined by its frequency. This implies that our frequency can be disrupted.
Yes, many things in everyday life adversely affect our personal frequency: stress, processed foods, air pollution, electromagnet frequencies (EMFs), radiation, chemicals, etc., etc., etc. You get the picture. And yet, using essential oils can help us regain and then maintain a health-promoting frequency!
What is Frequency?
The effectiveness of essential oils cannot be fully understood without some discussion of what frequency actually is. Frequency is the measurable rate of electrical energy flow that is a constant between any two points. Hertz (Hz) is a unit used for measuring frequency.
In 1992, Bruce Taino of Taino Technology, an independent division of Eastern State University in Cheny, Washington, built the first frequency monitor in the world. Taino has determined the frequency of a healthy body is 62-72 Hz. When the frequency drops, the immune system is compromised.
Body Frequency and Dis-ease
This is what’s currently known about frequency as it relates to maintaining a body in balance:
If the frequency drops to 58 Hz, cold and flu symptoms appear.
If the frequency drops to 55 Hz, dis-ease like Candida take hold.
If the frequency drops to 52 Hz, Epstein Barr becomes present
If the frequency drops to 42 Hz, the body is at risk for Cancer.
According to Dr. Royal R. Rife, every disease has a frequency. He found that certain frequencies can prevent development of disease and that others would destroy disease. Substances with higher frequency will destroy disease of a lower frequency.
The study of frequencies raises important questions concerning the frequencies of substances we eat, breathe, and absorb. Many pollutants, chemicals, medications, and vaccines lower healthy frequencies.
Frequency and Food
We are all familiar with the sayings “You are what you eat” and “Let food be thy medicine”. The frequency of food takes it to a whole other level!
Processed canned foods have a 0 frequency
Fresh produce has up to 15 Hz
Dry herbs from 12-22 Hz
Fresh herbs from 20-27 Hz
Essential oils start at 52 Hz and range up to 320 Hz, which is the frequency of Rose essential oil. However, Idaho Blue Spruce EO has the highest frequency known at 580 Hz!!
Clinical research shows that essential oils have the highest frequency of any natural substance known to man!
Stay Healthy With Essential Oils
So the single most effective way to keep your frequency up and maintain health is to use essential oils- daily!
Essential oils create an environment in which disease, bacteria, virus, fungus, etc. cannot live
Research shows 100% pure essential oils are immune stimulating
More research shows that many of the “super bugs” that has modern medicine so concerned, cannot survive in the presence of essential oils
There has not been a pathogen known to resist essential oils by mutating
Apply, inhale, diffuse, ingest - put those health-promoting essential oils to work!
Essential Oils for Dr. Mom by Jenn Forino
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Copyright © 2021 Radiant Animal Wellness, Krystal L. Beers. All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the Author/Publisher.
About the Author: Krystal L. Beers, C.S.A.N. is a board Certified Small Animal Naturopath consulting on animal nutrition and wellness. With years of experience in animal wellness, Krystal is a blogger, writer, and presenter on natural pet care as well as the published author of three animal care books, including Rabbit Care… Naturally, Give Your Dog a Species Appropriate Raw Food Diet, and The Eight Laws of Health in Animal Naturopathy. Krystal’s articles have been featured in various publications in both print and online. Krystal is passionate about using and sharing Young Living Essential Oils. Visit her Website: https://twohunnyz.wixsite.com/rawnaturopathy
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DISCLAIMER: All information contained here on Radiant Animal Wellness is intended for educational purposes only. It is not provided in order to diagnose, prevent, or treat any disease, illness, or injured condition of the body or pets and the author, publisher, and contributors accept no responsibility for such use. The decision to use, or not use, any information is the sole responsibility of the reader. Anyone or their pets suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with their physician or veterinarian. The only essential oils we use and refer to in all of our posts, articles, and books are Young Living Essential Oils. The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Krystal L. Beers and Radiant Animal Wellness do not assume any legal responsibility for the misuse of the products discussed.