Summer is officially here! There are some simple precautions pet guardians need to take to protect their dogs. While some of this information can apply to other animals also- cats, bunnies, horses, etc. - I refer to dogs since they are out and about with their owners regularly.
Dog sweat glands are found only on their nose and footpads. Canines regulate their body temperature primarily by panting, which isn't terribly efficient in hot weather. Thus, in a short period of time, an overheated dog can suffer severe, irreversible damage to the brain, heart, liver, and nervous system.
Traveling with your dog is fun! In summer, however, leaving Fido in the car while you do errands is not an option. The temperature in a closed vehicle, even if the windows are cracked, can reach dangerous levels in no time flat. Here is a table illustrating this:
Inside Temp
Outside Temp 10 min. 30 min.
70 degrees F 89 104
75 94 109
80 99 114
85 104 119
90 109 124
95 114 129
Downright scary, isn’t it? Please, do not leave your dog in a vehicle! In many states, this is actually illegal anyway. Unless you can take your dog inside the store with you, it is better he remains safely at home.
Exercise and other outdoor activities in summer involve adjustment, too. Try to do these in the cooler parts of the day, like morning or evening. On those wicked hot days, it’s better for both of you to just lay low and keep as cool as possible! Make sure to provide a shady spot to help your dog to cool down, taking frequent breaks, plenty of water, and watch them carefully for signs of heat stress/stroke.
Heat Stroke
Normally, a dog’s body temperature is somewhere between 100.5 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit, slightly higher than for humans. A dog will start to experience heatstroke at over 105 degrees. At around 106 to 108 degrees, organ damage can occur. Always keep a rectal thermometer handy for your dog and check his temperature if you suspect heatstroke.
According to the Dogs Naturally blog, here are some other signs to be on the lookout for:
· Excessive panting
· Excessive thirst
· Glazed eyes
· Hyperventilation
· Increased salivation
· Dry gums that are pale or grayish
· Bright or dark red tongue or gums
· Rapid or erratic pulse
· Weakness
· Staggering
· Seizures
· Confusion
· Inattention
· Vomiting
· Diarrhea
· Collapse
Visit to read what you can do if your dog does have heatstroke.
Feet need extra consideration in summer. Concrete and especially asphalt get blistering hot! The rule of thumb goes that if the surface is too hot to hold the back of your hand on for any longer than a few seconds, it is much too hot for your dog’s sensitive paws. There can be serious injury if this is not heeded.
There are dog boots available to protect your dog’s paws in summer and winter as well.
Water needs normally increase in the heat of summer. Make sure your dog has access to fresh water at all times. This is a given at any time of year, but an especial necessity in warm temperatures. A pool of some sort is often appreciated by the water-loving dog, to splash in or lay belly down in to cool off!
Shade is mandatory when a dog spends time outside. The deep shade of large trees or even your house is wonderful because the soil remains cool. A dog will often scratch up a little depression as a comfortable cool resting spot.
Pests are a particular blight in summer for our pets, too- fleas, ticks, mosquitos to name a few. We utilize pure essential oils to effectively repel the above mentioned. The oils we like are geranium, lemongrass, citronella, lavender, and cedarwood. They smell wonderful and are non-toxic to you and your pets! Just add to a spray bottle of distilled water and spritz on before going outside, taking care to avoid the eyes.
With just a little thought and small adjustments, you can protect your dogs. Enjoy a safe and pleasant summer!
