I think it's safe to say that most people have never heard of animal naturopathy. For humans, yes, but not for animals.
Naturopathy is based on six principles: 1) trust that the body has an innate ability to heal itself; 2) identify and address the underlying cause of dis-ease; 3) first do no harm by minimizing the risk of harmful side effects; 4) through education empower and encourage individual responsibility; 5) target the whole animal using a multi-dimensional approach; and, 6) prevention is the best cure.
The naturopathic way is beautiful, elegant, simple, and even peaceful. What it is not is a fad; it’s a lifestyle. It touches absolutely every living species and every aspect of life. It’s about prevention being both proactive and solution-oriented.
The benefit of a naturopathic approach to animal health is just that, health. There are eight laws of health in animal naturopathy none of which are optional: Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunshine and supplements, Temperance, Air, Rest, and Trust. A handy acronym to remember them is NEWSTART.
Homeostasis is a word often heard in naturopathy. It is the state of harmonious balance and rhythm among mind, body, spirit, and environment. While homeostasis naturally fluctuates, one cannot ignore Nature’s laws without certain consequences; imbalance is guaranteed. This also dishonors the animal.
When you provide each element homeostasis returns to your animal, deep health is established, and there are no symptoms of illness. It is a beautiful symphony!
