Two weeks ago, we sent the cheek swabs from Shiloh and Lizzie to Paw Print Genetics for their Canine HealthCheck test. The results just came in- they are normal/clear for the more than 250 inherited diseases and traits!
What is Canine HealthCheck? It is the only genetic screen for dogs that has been developed by veterinarians and Ph.D. geneticists expertly trained in genetic diagnostics. Results are of the highest quality and 99% accurate.
The FAQ page states this: "This easy, at-home test screens your dog’s DNA for a variety of genetic variants causing inherited diseases and traits. Canine HealthCheck was designed to test any dog, regardless of breed (purebred or mixed breed) and is the largest, most comprehensive genetic screen on the market. Learning these results will provide insight on how to best care for your furry family member throughout their life. If a problem is identified on your dog, you will be able to care for any genetic disease that is treatable, intervene early before your dog is symptomatic, prevent inherited diseases through selective breeding, and prepare for potential pet emergencies. The Canine HealthCheck is not a breed identification test."