In anticipation of Lizzies’ litter in October, we thought it would be neat to share how puppies develop during pregnancy along a timeline, as well as the changes Lizzie will go through while advancing through the stages of pregnancy up until the time she delivers the puppies.
Lizzie is in Week Two.
The approximate time of a dog's pregnancy (gestation) is 63 days, although gestation can vary by several days, from 58 days to 70 days, depending on the individual and breed. Canine gestation can generally be expected to last between eight and nine weeks. For the breeder, that time goes by really fast!
The female experiences an LH (luteinizing hormone) surge and drop signaling to the male that ovulation will take place in a couple of days. Mating then takes place.
Puppy Development
Within a few days, sperm reaches the mature eggs and fertilization occurs. Gestation begins when the female’s ova (eggs) are fertilized by the male spermatozoa (sperm). The fertilized egg is the first component of a new living being!
The embryos are in the oviduct. They are well-protected in the uterus so gentle grooming (avoiding any stress) should not cause any concern.
Changes in Mommy Dog
It is still early days so just a possibility of mood changes.
Care of Lizzie
Maintain her current feeding; do not increase food yet. During this initial phase of gestation (from mating until around day 35) maintain her ideal weight. Weight should remain relatively stable, increasing by no more than 10% during the first 42 days.
No additional supplements are required at this stage; just continue with her usual SBO probiotics and organic kelp.
Once out of heat, continue as usual with diet, grooming, and activity, although limit strenuous activity to ensure implantation takes place.
WEEK TWO (Days 8-14)
Puppy Development
The embryos start off very high up in the uterus, but towards the end of the first week they make their way down the fallopian tubes to the uterine horns for implantation. Here they float around within the uterine liquid.
Changes in Mommy Dog
Possibly morning sickness, moodiness, or more affectionate.
Care of Lizzie
Continue as with Week One.
Lizzie is feeling a little queasy so we put a little peppermint or DiGize essential oil on her tummy at those times.
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