Puppy Development (Days 29-35)
At this point, the organs are all beginning to form, and the embryo is now known as a ‘fetus.’ During this phase, the weight of the fetus increases dramatically – by around 75%! At this point in mid-gestation, the embryo reaches 20% of its size at birth.
The first stage of gestation (embryogenesis) ends around day 35, and the second begins.
All major organs complete development. The fetuses develop their sex organs and begin to look like puppies! The leg buds lengthen and develop toes. Ossification of the skull, jaw, nose, ribs, and leg bones takes place, and the sensory hairs on the chin, nose, and eyebrows grow.
Changes in Mommy Dog
Mommy’s belly will begin to look noticeably swollen as the fetuses take up more space. Lizzie is definitely gaining in girth around her tummy! External genitalia begins to swell slightly.
Lizzie is also quieter and more sensitive. She gets so excited to come on our lap for a snuggle that she makes these adorable little squealing sounds!
Appetite may increase. She is getting picky about what she eats. That's okay, gotta keep mommy happy!
Weight may increase. Definitely so! Lizzie gained 5 ounces over the past week. The embryos are growing well.
Care of Lizzie
While last week Lizzies’ appetite went down for a couple of days which is normal, each week we increase her daily food amount in small increments. With less room for full meals, it's time to begin serving smaller meals more frequently.
The initial delicate stage is over, and while you need to remain cautious with rough play and strenuous exercise, there is less risk of developmental issues.
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