Everyone who brings a new puppy home knows about the need to puppy-proof their house. When that puppy is a Toy breed, this is taken to a whole new level. Think miniature! It was a new experience when we brought our Havanese puppy Shiloh home.
Here are some examples that you can expound on in your own unique home environment:
· Make sure to block small spaces a Havi puppy can crawl into or under. A 9 to 10-week-old can wiggle its way into a 3 ½ inch space. Ask me how I know!
· Being so low to the ground, tiny things attract their attention- a fluff of dandelion seed floating in the breeze, a weensy pebble, a single piece of straw- so make sure to use your microscopic vision when checking for minuscule things that could pose a hazard.
· All toys need to be safe ones. As with a human infant, make sure there are no little parts that the determined mouth of a teething puppy could remove and swallow or choke on.
· Crumbs of human food dropped on the floor could make a puppy sick if consumed.
· Cardboard boxes that a Havi puppy might gnaw on and swallow bits of. Again, not good for little tummies.
Get the idea? Do what it takes to keep your Havi puppy safe.
