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Why Use an Animal Naturopath

Writer: Krystal L. BeersKrystal L. Beers

The benefit of a naturopathic approach to animal health is just that, health! Animal naturopathy will assist your animal’s body in building, repairing, and maintaining health. The highly skilled Animal Naturopath can provide critical information to clients (animal guardians) that they may never come across on their own or while working with an allopathic practitioner.

Homeostasis is a word often heard in animal naturopathy. It is the state of harmonious balance and rhythm among mind, body, spirit, and environment. While homeostasis naturally fluctuates, nature’s laws cannot be ignored without certain consequences; imbalance is guaranteed. This also dishonors the animal.

There are eight Laws of Health in animal naturopathy none of which are optional: Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunshine and supplements, Temperance, Air, Rest, and Trust. A handy acronym to remember them is NEWSTART. When you provide each element homeostasis returns to your animal, deep health is established, and there are no symptoms of illness.

The goal of an Animal Naturopath is to help the animal feel better without causing harm or uncomfortable side effects, rejecting the use of drugs and surgical intervention. They respect the expression of symptoms as the body’s attempt to heal and know that symptoms are not the disease or the cause of disease.

Animal Naturopaths have been trained in, and have the ability to determine the underlying cause of illness and to stimulate the body’s own healing ability. This is why animal naturopathy can be so effective where other systems fail.

What Conditions Can Animal Naturopaths Address?

Animal Naturopaths can address most conditions and health challenges. Although they do not take the place of veterinarians, they fill a gap in guiding animal guardians on the steps needed to help their animal achieve optimal health. Animal Naturopaths cannot legally “diagnose, prescribe, or treat”. Animal naturopathy can be used alone or in tandem with conventional veterinary medicine.

It is important to note that an absence of symptoms does not mean an animal is in optimal health. Health comes through giving the body everything it needs to maintain wellness.

What Methods Do Animal Naturopath’s Use?

A few of the many tools Animal Naturopaths utilize:

Nutrition: Animal Naturopaths have extensive training in assessing nutritional status and species appropriate diets, vitamin and mineral supplementation.

Botanical's: Scientific studies have validated the use of plants as medicine (phytotherapy). Animal Naturopaths turn to herbs for immune support, to normalize bodily function, improve digestion, etc.

Aromatherapy: Animal Naturopaths are trained in the safe use of therapeutic grade** essential oils.

Flower Essences: Based on the non-invasive approach discovered by Edwin Back, M.D. in the 20th century, Animal Naturopaths utilize flower essences which address the emotional component of most disease processes.

Homeopathy: Animal Naturopaths may recommend homeopathic remedies based on an animal’s unique characteristics to address all sorts of acute or chronic illness.

Bodywork: Acupressure, chiropractic, and massage are forms of bodywork often recommended by Animal Naturopaths.

The road to health can be quite complex. An Animal Naturopath is an important ally in building a wellness plan.

We hope this information encourages you to turn to an Animal Naturopath as the first line of defense for your animals’ health. Krystal is always happy to help! Visit Radiant Animal Wellness at

*We use and recommend only Young Living Essential Oils.


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